Google Analytics 4 GA4 is Not Ready For Primetime? - Blockchain Moment

Google Analytics 4 GA4 is Not Ready For Primetime?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has been receiving mixed reviews since its launch in October 2020. Recently, a Reddit user posted that GA4 is "a mess and not ready for prime time," citing several issues that make it difficult to use for businesses. Google plans to sunset GA3 on July 1st 2023, forcing everyone on their analytics platform into GA4, which is missing key features, slow, and buggy.

One of the primary concerns raised by the Reddit user is that GA4 lacks certain features that were available in the previous version of Google Analytics. Custom dimensions, a significant feature for businesses that rely on it to track and analyze user behavior, is not supported in GA4. This can be a significant limitation for businesses that are looking to switch to the new version.

Additionally, the new interface of GA4 has been criticized for being cluttered and challenging to understand. Some users have reported difficulty in finding the data they need to make informed decisions. The author argues that this lack of user-friendliness can hinder businesses' ability to make data-driven decisions.

Another significant issue with GA4 is the unreliability of its data tracking, according to the Reddit user. Some users have reported that GA4 doesn't track all the data that it should, such as pageviews and events. This can lead to inaccurate reporting and analysis, which can have a significant impact on businesses' decision-making.

Despite these issues, GA4 does offer some benefits, such as improved cross-device tracking and machine learning capabilities. However, the Reddit user suggests that these benefits do not outweigh the drawbacks of the platform, and businesses should stick with the previous version of Google Analytics (UA GA3) until GA4 is more mature and stable.

While the new features of GA4 may seem promising, it is essential for businesses to consider whether the platform is right for them before making the switch. GA4 has received criticism from users who believe that it is not yet ready for prime time due to its limitations and challenges. 

There are several Google Analytics alternatives available for professionals who are looking for different tools and features to meet their needs. Here are some of the popular alternatives:

  • Adobe Analytics: Adobe Analytics is a comprehensive marketing analytics tool that provides advanced features for analyzing customer data, including real-time analytics, predictive analytics, and audience segmentation.
  • Matomo: Matomo, formerly known as Piwik, is an open-source analytics platform that offers data privacy and ownership features, allowing users to control their data and comply with data protection regulations.
  • Mixpanel: Mixpanel is a behavioral analytics tool that focuses on tracking and analyzing user behavior within an app or website. It provides real-time insights into user engagement, retention, and conversion rates.
  • Kissmetrics: Kissmetrics is a customer analytics tool that tracks individual user behavior and provides insights into customer behavior patterns. It allows users to segment customers based on their behavior and create targeted campaigns to improve customer engagement.
  • Clicky: Clicky is a web analytics tool that provides real-time data on website traffic, including user behavior, referral sources, and more. It offers features such as heatmaps, uptime monitoring, and goal tracking.
  • Webtrends: Webtrends is an enterprise-level analytics platform that offers comprehensive data analytics and visualization features. It provides real-time analytics, multichannel attribution, and audience segmentation features.

Each platform has its unique features and capabilities, so it's essential to evaluate each option carefully to find the best fit for your business's needs.

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